Statement on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
Last updated March 2024
This statement is made by Moonbug Entertainment Limited ("Moonbug ") in accordance with and pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the "Modern Slavery Act"). This statement has been approved by and on behalf of each of its direct and indirect subsidiary undertakings that carried on business in the United Kingdom (the "Moonbug Group") as at the financial year ending 31 December 2022.
About Moonbug
Moonbug is a global entertainment company that creates and distributes inspiring and engagingstories to expands kids' worlds and minds. Moonbug was founded in 2018 and creates, produces and distributes thousands of minutes of video and audio content every month with the goal of teaching compassion, empathy and resilience to children around the world. Moonbug is headquartered in London with offices in Los Angeles and Singapore. Moonbug is part of Candle Media.
Further information regarding Moonbug can be found at https://www.moonbug.com/.
Supply chains and due diligence
As a responsible and ethical business, Moonbug has a zero-tolerance approach to all types of slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chains. Moonbug fully supports the principles and aims of the Modern Slavery Act. We have appropriate policies regarding antislavery and human trafficking in place that underpin our commitment to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Moonbug's policies are reviewed and updated regularly.
ln line with the Modern Slavery Act, we have taken steps to identify and minimise modern slavery risks. We are not aware of any issues of modern slavery or human trafficking in our business or supply chain. We have carried out a risk assessment of key categories of suppliers across the Moonbug Group, as a result of this and given the nature of our business, we consider the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain to be low. However, we continue to review all new and existing suppliers and contributors to ensure that they have appropriate procedures in place that support Moonbug's policies including adherence to Moonbug's supplier operating principles.
Moonbug's senior management is responsible for implementing Moonbug's policies. Key employees have been identified within our business and tasked with primary responsibility for understanding, assessing and monitoring the risk within our business of modern slavery and human trafficking. Moonbug expects every supplier who has, or seeks to have, a business relationship with Moonbug or any member of its group to act at all times in ways that are consistent with Moonbug's policies.
To ensure understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we offer training to employees on a range of compliance matters which include Moonbug's policies on slavery and human trafficking and our obligations in respect of combating modern slavery. Moonbug draws the attention of its employees to online briefing guides relating to modern slavery and human trafficking activities such as www.globalslaveryindex.org.
Further Steps
As part of our policy of act¡ng with integrity in our business relationships, Moonbug will remain alert to the risks, however small, of modern slavery and human traffìcking activities occurring in our supply chains.
Board approval
This statement is made pursuant to section 5a(1) of the Modern Slavery Act and has been approved by the board of Moonbug and the Moonbug Group for the financial year ended 31 December 2022.
René Rechtman, Chief Executive Officer
6 December 2023